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What is the need for ADO.NET?

What is the need for ADO.NET?

Anonymous User1483 07-Jul-2021

 ADO.NET makes a bridge between applications and data sources, i.e. ADO.NET helps the application to establish the connection with Database. Data providers such as Microsoft SQL Server, OLEDB, ODBC are use to connect with the application for dynamic data through ADO.NET. ADO.NET consist of classes that are used to perform CRUD(Create Read Update Delete) Operation with application.

ADO.NET has two main components that are used for fetching the data from the database.

1.) .NET Framework Data Provide

These are the components by ADO.Net that are developed for data manipulation and fast access of data. It Provides the following objects such as Connection, DataReader, Command and Data Adapter which were used to perform database operations.

2.) .NET Framework DataSet : DataSet is used to access data independently from any data resource. DataSet contains a collection of one or more Datatable objects of data. 

Updated 08-Jul-2021
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